Scholarships and Bursaries

Queenswood Scholarships are awarded in recognition of outstanding achievement or promise in a particular sphere. The majority of our Scholarships are honorary and do not attract financial support; however a small number of awards with fee remission are available for candidates applying for a Music Scholarship who demonstrate excellence coupled with exceptional potential.

Academic Scholarships are available at 11+, 13+ and 16+ (i.e. Sixth Form) entry. Art, Dance, Drama, Music, Hockey, Sports and Tennis Scholarships are available at all entry points.  Design and Technology Scholarships are available at 13+ entry and above. All Scholarships are reviewed at 13+ and 16+ to ensure that existing Scholars are still considered eligible.

Please note: in order to be considered for a Scholarship, your daughter will need to be registered with Admissions. 


Bursaries are awards offered to girls who satisfy the School’s required entry standards and who are deemed to have the potential to make a significant contribution to the School community, but who require financial assistance with the fees.

Queenswood is not richly endowed as a school and relies principally on fee income from which to fund Bursary awards. However, as a registered charity, the School is committed to the demonstration of public benefit through provision of Bursaries to widen access to a Queenswood education.

The deadline for Bursary applications for 2023 entry is Friday 28 October 2022.

Further information and a Bursary application form can be obtained from the Admissions Office. Please note that we will only consider Bursary applications from candidates who are registered for entry to the School.

The Old Queenswoodian Bursary and Scholarship Trust

The Old Queenswoodian Bursary and Scholarship Trust (OQBST) was established in 1982 through fundraising by Old Queenswoodians, for the purpose of providing assistance to the daughters or grand-daughters of OQs in pursuing an education at Queenswood, should they not otherwise be able to consider this from a financial perspective.

In some circumstances, assistance to OQs to pursue further educational opportunities could also be considered.

The school will liaise directly with the OQBST as part of the normal bursary process; as such, there is no separate application to be made for this award. That said, it would be useful to flag whether you may be suitable for this support during the application process.


  • Scholarship and Bursary Timeline 2022-3
    Friday 14Deadline for all Scholarship applications
    Friday 28Deadline for Bursary applications
    Weeks commencing Monday 14 and Monday 21Scholarship Assessments:
    Art, Dance, Design and Technology, Drama, Music, Sport, Tennis
    Prior to ChristmasOffer decisions including scholarship results are sent to parents via email
  • 2023
    First week in FebruaryBursary decisions are sent to parents
    Monday 6Deadline for written confirmation from parents of acceptance of a place