Queenswood is an extraordinary place with extraordinary people. It would be our privilege to educate your daughters here.

Boarding in the Middle School

Our Middle School boarding house is located in Centre, at the very heart of the school campus.

In Years 9 and 10, girls enjoy the immensely enriching social benefits of spacious and attractive shared rooms. In Year 11 each full-time boarder has her own bedroom, complete with a private study base – the ideal environment for exam preparation.

All our boarders in Years 9 to 11 enjoy well-equipped, flexible boarding lodgings, and the beautifully appointed communal spaces –  including a cinema, music room, IT suite and cooking facilities – are enjoyed by day girls and boarders alike.

Whether she boards full time, sleeps over for a night or two per week, or visits to socialise during the school day, every girl in the Middle School will find Centre to be a home from home.