Queenswood is an extraordinary place with extraordinary people. It would be our privilege to educate your daughters here.

  • Chapel Highlights: Week Two of Advent

    On Monday, we lit the second Advent candle in chapel, remembering the prophets and the victory of light over darkness. The prefects led chapel, reading about the birth of Jesus……

    POSTED : Wednesday 7 December 2022
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  • Christmas Hampers are Delivered to Young Carers in Herts

    Reverend Vindra, Miss Yaffe and the Christmas Hamper team would like to express their grateful thanks to everyone who so generously donated items or money to this year’s appeal. The……

    POSTED : Friday 2 December 2022
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  • Chapel Highlights: Advent

    On Monday in Chapel, students and staff were greeted by the lit Christmas tree, a nativity scene and the Advent wreath with 5 candles. Rev’d Vindra spoke about Advent being……

    POSTED : Thursday 1 December 2022
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  • Christmas Hampers: A reminder to bring in your gifts

    Thank you to everyone who has already brought their gifts to school for the Christmas hamper appeal – your donations are greatly appreciated. The hampers will be given to Carers in……

    POSTED : Thursday 24 November 2022
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  • Christmas Hampers: A request for donations

    After your amazing generosity last year, Queenswood would once again like to donate Christmas hampers to our local community and this year we are giving our gifts to Carers in……

    POSTED : Friday 18 November 2022
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