Queenswood is an extraordinary place with extraordinary people. It would be our privilege to educate your daughters here.

  • Mrs Ludwick Reflects on the Queenswood Qualities

    In Chapel on Wednesday, Mrs Ludwick, Assistant Head Boarding, offered her personal reflections on the Queenswood Qualities. Have you heard about the Queenswood Qualities? Are any of you CURIOUS as……

    POSTED : Friday 23 September 2022
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  • Harvest Collection for the Hatfield Foodbank

    Thank you to everyone who has donated so generously to our Harvest collection for the Hatfield Foodbank. We have extended the collection deadline and will continue to accept you Harvest……

    POSTED : Thursday 22 September 2022
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  • The Platinum Jubilee: Commemorative Trees for Each House

    As part of our celebrations to mark  the Queen’s Platinum Jubilee and in support of The Queen’s Green Canopy – a tree planting initiative to create a sustainable legacy in……

    POSTED : Saturday 28 May 2022
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  • Service of Confirmation and Baptism

    REVEREND VINDRA MARAJ-OGDEN WRITESOn Saturday 14 May, two students were baptised and eleven confirmed in Queenswood School’s Chapel. It was a sunny morning and the girls were supported by their……

    POSTED : Thursday 19 May 2022
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  • Head Girl’s Team and Senior Prefects: Passing the Baton

    Senior Prefects 2021-22The Year 13 Senior Prefect team handed over their gowns, titles and responsibilities to their Year 12 counterparts in a very special Chapel service on Wednesday 11 May.Senior……

    POSTED : Friday 13 May 2022
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