Queenswood is an extraordinary place with extraordinary people. It would be our privilege to educate your daughters here.

  • Chapel — Monday 23 March 2020: Easter

    In these difficult times, we are extremely fortunate that our resident Chaplain, Rev’d Vindra, is able to put together twice-weekly online Chapel Services. The first of these was delivered on……

    POSTED : Tuesday 24 March 2020
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  • Service of Remembrance in Queenswood’s Chapel

    A video of our poignant Service of Remembrance, including a haunting performance of ‘The Rose’ by members of the Queenswood Singers, is available to view here:……

    POSTED : Wednesday 13 November 2019
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  • Year 7 Bonding at Shenley Lane

    Year 7 enjoyed an action-packed bonding trip to Shenley Lane near St Albans at the end of September.After a full day spent rock-climbing, karting and tackling the crate challenge in……

    POSTED : Thursday 3 October 2019
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  • Spectacular Concert from the Gents of St John’s

    The Queenswood community enjoyed a truly world-class evening of music-making in the Chapel on Thursday 19 September, courtesy of the Gentlemen of St John’s.Formed of the choral and organ scholars……

    POSTED : Thursday 26 September 2019
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  • Year 9 Bonding Trip to Grosvenor Hall

    The whole of Year 9 decamped to Kingswood Grosvenor Hall  in Kent for two days of exciting team-building activities in September.As you can see from the photos, there were plenty……

    POSTED : Thursday 26 September 2019
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