Queenswood is an extraordinary place with extraordinary people. It would be our privilege to educate your daughters here.

  • New – Library ‘Books of the Week’

    Queenswood’s librarian, Mrs Jayne Truran, has launched a new ‘Books of the Week’ programme. Each week, two books will be featured – one aimed specifically at students, and one at……

    POSTED : Tuesday 8 November 2016
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  • Breaking the Glass Ceiling

      Young women need to be brave enough to ask a question at a big meeting, or to disagree with the crowd view. They need to be able to try,……

    POSTED : Thursday 29 September 2016
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  • Independent and State Schools – Working Together

    There has been much discussion in the press in recent days about the independent schools’ obligations to the state sector.The Prime Minister wants independent schools to contribute more to their……

    POSTED : Tuesday 13 September 2016
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  • Parenting Girls

    In ‘Swimming Upstream: Parenting Girls for Resilience in a Toxic Culture’ by Laura Choate (OUP 2015), she looks at current culture and the impact on girls. In particular, she identifies……

    POSTED : Monday 2 May 2016
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  • Creativity – A Queenswood Quality

    Society needs creativity. We need people to invent things, solve problems, and make beautiful objects to enrich our experiences. We depend on the creativity of people to help us survive……

    POSTED : Tuesday 26 April 2016
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