Queenswood is an extraordinary place with extraordinary people. It would be our privilege to educate your daughters here.

  • Tehya becomes columnist for global magazine

      Queenswood Music Scholar Teyha Dawson (Year 9) is a regular contributor to Forum Time, a new global magazine written for teenagers by teenagers. She is the magazine’s music columnist,……

    POSTED : Monday 18 September 2017
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  • Queenswood’s Director of Music on BBC Radio 3

      Queenswood’s Director of Music Jonathan Dobson and his daughter Lydia performed live on BBC Radio 3’s In Tune on Tuesday 29 August. Lydia, a regular performer with Queenswood string……

    POSTED : Thursday 7 September 2017
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  • Lower School Singing Competition 2017

    The Lower School Singing Competition, held on Thursday 8 June, was a huge success. The Ernest Read Hall was packed, with boarders, parents, friends and staff turning out in droves……

    POSTED : Thursday 15 June 2017
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  • Rebetiko Carnival 2017 at Queenswood – an evening of Greek and Middle-Eastern Music

    On Tuesday 23 May, members of the Rebetiko Carnival band visited Queenswood to deliver a workshop and concert celebrating the musical culture of Greece and Middle Eastern countries, with specific……

    POSTED : Saturday 3 June 2017
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  • A stunning concert at Hanbury Manor

    Queenswood musicians gave a stunning concert of vocal and instrumental music at Hanbury Manor Marriott Hotel and Country Club on Friday 12 May. The packed audience of Hanbury Manor members,……

    POSTED : Sunday 14 May 2017
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