Queenswood is an extraordinary place with extraordinary people. It would be our privilege to educate your daughters here.

  • Staying Well This Term at School

    Since returning to school last week, the season of ‘mists and mellow fruitfulness’ is definitely upon us.The mornings have been decidedly chilly and with the changing of the clocks, the……

    POSTED : Wednesday 3 November 2021
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  • House Performing Arts 2021

    This week the Clarissa Farr Theatre has been a hive of activity, as musicians, actors and dancers from across the school presented their submissions for the hotly-contested House Performing Arts……

    POSTED : Friday 15 October 2021
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  • Next Week I Am Reading… Mrs Truran’s Reading Suggestions for the Half-Term Break

    With the half-term break upon us, we have swapped our weekly feature ‘This Week I Am Reading…’ for Mrs Truran’s compilation of recommended reads for each year group. We hope……

    POSTED : Friday 15 October 2021
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  • Support the Eco Committee’s Scary Animals Bake Sale

    Our inspiring Eco Committee are busy organising another fantastic fundraising and awareness event for after half-term and would like to invite all pupils to participate.On 2 November at break time……

    POSTED : Friday 15 October 2021
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  • Half Term Bumper Fun – Suggestions from our Pupils

    After a busy half-term we are all ready for some bumper holiday fun. This week we bring you some inventive and entertaining activity suggestions from pupils on our school Newsletter……

    POSTED : Friday 15 October 2021
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