Queenswood is an extraordinary place with extraordinary people. It would be our privilege to educate your daughters here.

  • 8 in a row…Queenswood 1st XI are County Champions again!

    We are proud to announce that Queenswood’s 1st XI have once again been crowned Hertfordshire champions in the first round of the National Schools competition. We will progress to the……

    POSTED : Monday 28 September 2015
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  • Queenswood Summer Sports Round-up

    We are extremely proud of our girls’ many sporting achievements during the summer holidays. Athletics Tennis Hockey Other Sporting Achievements For some the summer season has only just ended. Sports……

    POSTED : Monday 21 September 2015
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  • A scintillating evening with Professor Lord Robert Winston

      Professor Lord Robert Winston, thepioneering fertility expert, scientific communicator par excellence, broadcaster, author, life peer and all-round polymath delivered a captivating lecture to a packed audience of Queenswood students,……

    POSTED : Friday 18 September 2015
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  • Netball star Sasha Corbin inspires Queenswood’s sportswomen

    Queenswood’s budding sports stars had the chance to quiz an international athlete on Wednesday 16 September. Sasha Corbin, who plays netball for England and local club Mavericks, was joined on……

    POSTED : Thursday 17 September 2015
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  • Eleanor Wins Hertfordshire Mini-Saga Competition

    Queenswood’s English Department are delighted to report that Eleanor Grant (Year 11) has won a prestigious Young Writers competition. Her 50-word mini-saga, ‘A Tall Road to Somewhere Small’, won the……

    POSTED : Sunday 13 September 2015
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