Queenswood is an extraordinary place with extraordinary people. It would be our privilege to educate your daughters here.

  • Weekend Fun: A Suggestion from Our Sixth Form Art Students

    Our Sixth Form Art students each visited a gallery over the October half-term to gather ideas and visual research for their A Level Fine Art coursework project. The project is……

    POSTED : Saturday 13 November 2021
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  • Anti-bullying Week: Odd Socks Day 2021

    Next week is Anti-bullying Week 2021 and this year the theme of the campaign is ‘one kind word’. Kindness is more important today than it has ever been. For many……

    POSTED : Saturday 13 November 2021
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  • 2022 Cohort Enjoy Exciting New Assessment Day

    It was wonderful to host our 11+ Assessment days during the past two weeks.  The excitement was tangible as 176 prospective Queenswood pupils joined us for our newly-designed entrance events,……

    POSTED : Saturday 13 November 2021
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  • Maths Week England 2021: Desmos Art Competition

    Our Sixth Form mathematicians created some fantastic entries for the Maths Week England Desmos art competition this week.Desmos is a dynamic graphing tool which the students enjoyed using to create……

    POSTED : Saturday 13 November 2021
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  • House Performing Arts 2021 – The Results Are Announced

    The agonising wait is over, and the results of this year’s House Performing Arts Competition are in!In the week before half term, each House performed and recorded a programme of……

    POSTED : Saturday 13 November 2021
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