Queenswood is an extraordinary place with extraordinary people. It would be our privilege to educate your daughters here.

  • OQ Recognised in the 2021 New Year’s Honours List

    Anne Chadwick Smith (Mrs Dearle) is a former Chair of the Old Queenswoodians’ Association and has been involved in charity fundraising for over 61 years, initially for the NSPCC and……

    POSTED : Tuesday 6 April 2021
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  • Highlighting OQ Businesses and Products April 2021

    OQ Ferelith Levers’ (Mrs Moltke) business Beabond, has teamed up with Elise Mertens, Belgium’s No.1 tennis player, to design a beautiful diamond necklace that supports a cause close to Elise’s……

    POSTED : Monday 5 April 2021
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  • A Message from OQA Chair, Tricia Wrinch

    A very warm welcome to our Spring 2021 communications, with the Chronicle being mailed out last month and the hardcopy newsletter being re-launched this month providing the latest news of……

    POSTED : Monday 5 April 2021
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  • On the OQA Bookshelves

    New to the BookshelvesEasy recipes for delicious home cooking.Jane’s new book ‘Just One Pan’ will be published on 27th May and is available to pre-order now.Jane is delighted to offer……

    POSTED : Sunday 4 April 2021
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  • OQs You are Invited to the OQA 2021 AGM

    OQs, you are warmly invited to attend the OQA 2021 AGM on Saturday 19th June. Find out what’s happening in the OQA and at Queenswood, have your say and join……

    POSTED : Saturday 27 March 2021
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