Queenswood is an extraordinary place with extraordinary people. It would be our privilege to educate your daughters here.

  • OQ North East Branch Reunion 2022

    OQA Chair, Tricia Wrinch attended the event and reports it was wonderful to be able to join the North Eastern reunion lunch, so kindly organised by Dr Alison Smith (nee……

    POSTED : Thursday 14 July 2022
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  • OQ Reunion – 1992 Leavers

    What a fantastic turn out for the OQ 1992 leavers’ reunion at The Footman in Mayfair on 2nd July.  Well done to Catherine Wale (who was co-ordinating from Australia!), Bethia……

    POSTED : Thursday 14 July 2022
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  • OQ Golf Society in Action in the Silver Tassie

    The Silver Tassie is a ladies golf competition for alumnae of independent schools which are members of the Independent Schools Joint Council and was first played in 1961.  This year  24……

    POSTED : Tuesday 14 June 2022
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  • Reunion – 1982 Leavers

    On 16th March a group of 1982 leavers got together for lunch at Tapas Brindisa in South Ken.  A lovely time was had by all with lots of chit chat,……

    POSTED : Friday 15 April 2022
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  • Recent OQ Reunions

    Year Group : 1992 LeaversIt was lovely to hear from OQ Emma White (Pitteway) this month and to see the photograph of her recent get together with fellow OQs Cathy……

    POSTED : Monday 14 February 2022
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