Queenswood is an extraordinary place with extraordinary people. It would be our privilege to educate your daughters here.

  • Sixth Form Centre Redevelopment: Consultation with Years 10–13

    On Friday 19 March, representatives from architecture firm Grimshaw spoke to all pupils in Years 10 to 13 about the project to redevelop the Bellman Sixth Form Centre.The students have……

    POSTED : Friday 19 March 2021
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  • Sixth Form Centre Renovation: Student Survey

    Initial design study by Grimshaw Architects Our exciting plans to renovate the Bellman Sixth Form Centre are well under way.Before half term, a representative from Grimshaw Architects met online with Year……

    POSTED : Thursday 25 February 2021
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  • University Offers Flooding In

    As we await details of how our A-Level students will be formally assessed this summer, we are delighted with the number of university offers that have already been made.To date,……

    POSTED : Thursday 11 February 2021
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  • Sixth Form Experience Day for Year 11 Pupils

    Regular GCSE lessons were suspended for Year 11 on Friday 29 January, as they participated in a timetable of stimulating online taster sessions for the A-Level subjects offered at Queenswood.We……

    POSTED : Friday 29 January 2021
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  • Five Benefits of an Academic Sixth Form Scholarship

    Some of Queenswood’s academic scholars on previous programmes have gone on to forge successful careers in a number of fields.One former academic scholar is now a producer on David Attenborough’s……

    POSTED : Friday 18 December 2020
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