Queenswood is an extraordinary place with extraordinary people. It would be our privilege to educate your daughters here.

  • Rev’d Sonia Hicks, President of the Methodist Conference

    We were honoured that Reverend Sonia Hicks, the first black female President of the Methodist Conference, visited Queenswood on Monday 11 October.She toured the school, meeting pupils and teachers and……

    POSTED : Thursday 14 October 2021
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  • Sixth Form Lecture Series: John Hoskison

    The new series of Sixth Form Lectures began on Friday 25 September with a profound talk from former professional golfer, John Hoskison.John previously spoke to the current Upper Sixth in……

    POSTED : Friday 24 September 2021
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  • Senior Prefect Team: Leadership Training with The Life Skills Company

    Our new Senior Prefect Team received leadership training from The Life Skills Company on Thursday 16 September.They attended a morning of workshops on presentation skills and the importance of body……

    POSTED : Thursday 16 September 2021
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  • Karl Hopwood: Internet Safety Talk For Parents

    As some of you will be aware, Queenswood, with Stormont and Lochinver, hosted a virtual parents’ event this week, with Karl Hopwood addressing internet safety.We have a recording of the……

    POSTED : Thursday 10 June 2021
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  • Winners of Inter-House Debating Competition

    The annual Inter-House Debating competition was held on Friday 28 May for Years 7 to 10.Working in pairs, pupils had ten minutes to prepare their arguments proposing or opposing an……

    POSTED : Friday 28 May 2021
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