Queenswood is an extraordinary place with extraordinary people. It would be our privilege to educate your daughters here.

  • Sofia M Joins England U16 Hockey Squad

    We are thrilled for Year 11 Sports Scholar Sofia M, who has been selected for the England U16 Hockey Squad.Sofia has put in a tremendous amount of hard work over……

    POSTED : Thursday 20 May 2021
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  • Sporting Fixtures Go Live!

    After months of training and virtual competition, we are delighted to see Q pupils back in action in live sporting competition.U13 ‘QBallers’ at the ISFA Regional Finals on Wednesday 19……

    POSTED : Wednesday 19 May 2021
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  • Mallets at Full Swing for Queenswood’s Polo Club

    We were delighted to welcome back the Hertfordshire Polo Academy and their beautiful polo ponies to Queenswood this week as the co-curricular polo club recommenced. Led by Mrs Abid-Mirza and……

    POSTED : Friday 30 April 2021
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  • Sports Scholar Peace joins England Roses Netball Academy

    We are delighted to announce that Lower Sixth Sports Scholar Peace has been selected for the England Roses Netball Academy this season.You can read about Peace’s incredible sporting achievements in……

    POSTED : Thursday 22 April 2021
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  • Tokyo Games PE Challenge: The Results

    During lockdown, the PE Department ran a series of challenges for pupils in all year groups, with the chance to win medals and pick up points for their Houses.The results……

    POSTED : Thursday 18 March 2021
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