Queenswood is an extraordinary place with extraordinary people. It would be our privilege to educate your daughters here.

  • Queenswood Fencer Amber selected for Great Britain

    We are thrilled to announce that Amber Smith (Year 10) has been selected to represent Great Britain at U17 level.Amber (above right) is just 14 years old, and has been……

    POSTED : Thursday 12 September 2019
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  • Golfer Lucy’s amazing winning streak

    Lucy Labdon (Year 10) has enjoyed an extremely successful season on the golf course.Before the summer break, she played in the Enfield Club Captain’s Day along with over 160 participants…….

    POSTED : Wednesday 4 September 2019
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  • The Queenswoodian Magazine 2019

    Queenswoodian Magazine 2019The Queenswoodian magazine for the academic year 2018-19 has been published. It’s a compelling round-up of the achievements and activities of girls and academic departments, along with a selection……

    POSTED : Tuesday 9 July 2019
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  • Jaye’s Channel Charity Challenge

    Jaye Okin (Year 7 – above, centre) enlisted the help of her year group to achieve something truly amazing in June – swimming the equivalent of the width of English Channel……

    POSTED : Tuesday 9 July 2019
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  • Enrichment Week at Queenswood

    Queenswood girls had the opportunity to escape the classroom for a week of eclectic activities, trips and experiences at the end of June.Visits included a day at Hampton Court, a……

    POSTED : Friday 5 July 2019
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