Queenswood is an extraordinary place with extraordinary people. It would be our privilege to educate your daughters here.

  • Dick Moore: ‘Coping With Storms’ – Mental Health Talks for Pupils and Parents

    We were joined by Dick Moore, a renowned expert in teenage mental health, for three seminars on Wednesday 17 November. He spoke to the whole cohort of Year 10 and……

    POSTED : Thursday 18 November 2021
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  • Weekend Fun: A Suggestion from Our Sixth Form Art Students

    Our Sixth Form Art students each visited a gallery over the October half-term to gather ideas and visual research for their A Level Fine Art coursework project. The project is……

    POSTED : Saturday 13 November 2021
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  • Anti-bullying Week: Odd Socks Day 2021

    Next week is Anti-bullying Week 2021 and this year the theme of the campaign is ‘one kind word’. Kindness is more important today than it has ever been. For many……

    POSTED : Saturday 13 November 2021
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  • Weekend Fun: Bonfire Night Baking!

    If you are celebrating Bonfire Night or Diwali this weekend, why not make your celebrations go with a bang by serving up our delicious baking suggestions.Firework apples, pretzel sparklers and……

    POSTED : Friday 5 November 2021
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  • Staying Well This Term at School

    Since returning to school last week, the season of ‘mists and mellow fruitfulness’ is definitely upon us.The mornings have been decidedly chilly and with the changing of the clocks, the……

    POSTED : Wednesday 3 November 2021
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