Queenswood is an extraordinary place with extraordinary people. It would be our privilege to educate your daughters here.

  • Weekend Fun: Celebrate International Falafel Day!

    Sunday is International Falafel Day and in celebration, people around the world will be enjoying this delicious Middle Eastern dish.For some falafel fun this weekend, why not watch the video……

    POSTED : Friday 10 June 2022
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  • Weekend Fun: Let’s Get Jubilee Ready!

    As you will have seen, we had great fun at School this week celebrating the Queen’s Platinum Jubilee. With the official festivities scheduled for next weekend, why not get ready……

    POSTED : Saturday 28 May 2022
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  • Q here for a tour!

    This week on our interactive tour of Queenswood, we are visiting the Audrey Butler Centre, or the ABC as it is referred to by everyone at Q.Mrs Audrey Butler was……

    POSTED : Thursday 19 May 2022
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  • Weekend Fun: Make a Bee B&B!

    Today is World Bee Day and a great opportunity to reflect on why these fuzzy, flying insects are so important and how we can support them when their numbers are……

    POSTED : Thursday 19 May 2022
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  • Q here for a tour!

    Continuing our virtual tour of Queenswood, this week we are heading to the Music Department.Queenswood has a long and enviable musical heritage. Under the direction of Ernest Read (1920–1965), the……

    POSTED : Friday 13 May 2022
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