Support Us

From its founding in 1894, Queenswood has benefited from the generous patronage of those who aspired to broaden the scope of an exceptional single sex education to young ladies who in turn would be able to contribute to society. Each subsequent generation has recognised this generosity and continued to support the School. Some of their gifts are commemorated in the fabric of the School, such as Bellman, the Leach Building and Belling.


In recent years, generous donations have enabled extensive capital projects such as the Queenswood Hall, the refurbishment of the Bellman Sixth Form Centre (above), the Clarissa Farr Theatre and the swimming pool.

Bursary Fund

Our Bursary Fund exists to provide financial support for girls of promise who would not otherwise have the opportunity to benefit from a Queenswood education.


A Legacy is a wonderful way to ensure that the girls of tomorrow will continue to benefit from a Queenswood education. Every penny of the gift can be put towards projects that will benefit the School for years to come. To discuss how you can include the School in your will, please contact our Foundation Officer, Jane van der Maat.

About the Foundation Office

The Queenswood Foundation operates under the guidance of the Principal and the Governors of the School. The focus of the Office is not solely on fundraising; it also seeks to keep OQs updated with developments within the School as well as looking to provide a careers mentoring programme for the recent graduates who are looking for employment in this tough economic climate. The Office also has a programme of events – year group reunions, professional networking events as well as receptions to acknowledge the generous support of the School’s benefactors.