Learning in the Lower School

From day one, Queenswood girls learn to be independent, resourceful students, motivated by curiosity and an enthusiasm for learning.

Each year group in the Lower School is divided into forms; there are usually three or four in Years 7 and 8, although Mathematics, English and Languages are usually taught in sets. A common curriculum is followed in the first two years, comprising Art, Computing, Design & Technology, Drama & Dance, English, French, Geography, History, Latin and Classical Civilisation, Mathematics, Music, Physical Education, Practical Cookery, Religious Studies and Science. In Year 8, Spanish and Japanese are introduced.

Our aim is to provide a broad and balanced programme of study throughout the Lower School leading to GCSE/IGCSE choices. Most subjects set a certain amount of homework or 'study' each week; pupils have the opportunity to complete this work at home or in supervised study sessions after school.