Spiritual Life

The School has a Christian foundation and our aim is to nurture faith through the varied and stimulating regular worship that is at the heart of school life.

Our Chaplain, Rev'd Vindra Maraj-Ogden, is a Methodist minister with many years experience in the pastoral charge of churches.

We welcome those of other faiths or none and we are happy to arrange for them to receive the spiritual support that they need.

The School comes together as a community twice a week in our beautiful Chapel, and there are many special services throughout the year when we welcome families and friends to join us.

Spiritual Life

The School has a Christian foundation and our aim is to nurture faith through the varied and stimulating regular worship that is at the heart of school life.

We welcome those of other faiths or none and we are happy to arrange for them to receive the spiritual support that they need.

The School comes together as a community twice a week in our beautiful Chapel, and there are many special services throughout the year when we welcome families and friends to join us.