Queenswood is an extraordinary place with extraordinary people. It would be our privilege to educate your daughters here.

  • Reminder: An Amazing Opportunity to Exhibit at the Royal Academy of Arts

    Calling all artists…Would you like an amazing opportunity to submit work to the Royal Academy of Arts and have your artwork put on display in the galleries and online as……

    POSTED : Thursday 9 February 2023
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  • Tegan (Y9) and NGS Take First Place at UDO Essex

    Congratulations to Teagan M (Year 9) and her dance crew NGS. They competed in another successful United Dance Organisation (UDO) competition recently, coming first place in the Under 18 Novices……

    POSTED : Friday 3 February 2023
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  • Year 13 Receive University Offers

    It is the time of year when Year 13 students begin to receive offers of places to study at university, and we are delighted to report some very exciting news.Sidney……

    POSTED : Friday 3 February 2023
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  • Stamp Family Service

    Year 7 and 8 pupils and their families came together in the Chapel for a delightful service of music, readings and performances on Friday 3 February.Pupils in 7H staged a……

    POSTED : Friday 3 February 2023
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  • Florence C-B Celebrates Success at NSEA Competition

    We send our warmest congratulations to Florence C-B (Year 8) and her ponies Fi and Echo, who represented Queenswood at a National Schools Equestrian Association (NSEA) show last weekend with……

    POSTED : Friday 3 February 2023
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