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Chloë’s Oxbridge Experience

Tuesday 19 September 2017

During the summer holidays, Chloë Berko-Boateng (Year 10) attended Oxbridge Academic Programs Oxford Prep Experience. She was selected out of 500+ global applicants, and was awarded a Merit Scholarship. She writes:

Oxbridge Prep was an amazing experience. There were so many activities, from Swing Dancing to seeing the real creators of BMWs. Not one part of the programme was the least bit boring. I took classes in both Computer Science App Design (major) and Studio Art (minor), both of which I thoroughly enjoyed.


Chloe (centre) with her classmates at the Oxford BMW factory

During the major course I explored the Python program in depth, from creating programs to replicate every day manoeuvres such as grocery shopping, to writing code that simulates how the Enigma encryption worked. Later in the course I went on to convert some of my programs into the Swift programming language. When working with Swift, I had to define all variables I created, which made each task even more challenging. However it was essential for my final project to be successful. My final app was a cup and ball game; even though it appeared simple, there was an awful lot of code behind it. Throughout all of this we had a lot of packed discussions, including debates about the rising tech industry and artificial intelligence. Working in a class of all boys, there was always plenty of opportunity for debate. It was definitely a change from Q, but nevertheless just as enjoyable.

Studio Art was a nice contrast from Computer Science. My peers were all girls and my class a lot less mind-consuming. I learnt a lot about perspective and the human body. For the majority of the classes we combined with Medical Science. Because of this, I got a real mixture between paint and brush, human proportion and how colours work. There was a lot more biology in art than I had assumed.

Overall what made the programme so enjoyable was working with all my classmates. I had a phenomenal time enjoying the different activities they offered and exploring Oxford with all my new friends. I learnt a lot about what I might want to do when I grow up from all the guest speakers, field trips and accomplished professors. I would definitely recommend going to an academic summer programme,;it is an exceptional experience that you shouldn’t miss.